A cloud-based Personal Learning Environment & Network (PLEN) to support peer-based & lifelong learning

A Cloud-based Personal Learning Environment & Network

Date: 16 Feb 2016
Time: 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Venue: TU411
Facilitator: Eric Tsui, ISE
In the age of connectivist learning, knowledge resides in a network. This talk outlines the use of a cloud-based Personal Learning Environment & Network (PLE&N) to support peer-based and lifelong learning. The PLE&N functions as a semi-automatic online forum with updates from a pre-selected set of targeted sources.
Through the use of the PLE&N, teachers, students, graduates and industry practitioners can collaborate, share and engage in a co-learning environment and not be bound by the passing of an academic semester. Together, learners also help to combat information overload.
After 4 years of usage, the PLE&N has been used by over 1,500 PolyU students. Many continue to use it even after they have graduated from the university making it a truly lifelong learning tool. 
In 2015, the PLE&N earned PolyU Golden Winner, Region Asia of the Wharton-QS STARS Reimagine Education Award for its innovative pedagogy.
This activity is co-organized by the CoP on Developing, Recognizing and Rewarding Excellent Teaching, the CoP on Using Blackboard LMS to Enhance Learning and Teaching, and EDC.